10 Mukhi (Ten Faces) Rudraksha

Ten Mukhi (Ten Faces) Rudraksha signifies Lord Vishnu who is the preserver of universe. It helps the wearer to overcome problematic times and ensures that the user is protected by the blessings of Lord Vishnu. 10 Mukhi Rudraksha bead also represents Divine Rulers of all the ten directions (Digpalas), whose blessings are also bestowed on its wearer.
Ruling Planet: All the 9 planets
·         Ruling God: Lord  Vishnu
·         Day of wearing: Sunday
·         Mantra:   " Om Hreem Namaha"
      Recommended for: Chronic cough, asthma, sleeplessness, instability of mind and to find direction in life

Who should wear 10 Mukhi Rudraksha?
10 Mukhi (Faces) Rudraksha beads can be worn by those persons who have a short temperament. It is also beneficial for those people who are easily affected by the black magic or envious evil eye. 10 Mukhi Rudraksha is also advantageous for those people who are unable to get a right direction for their life. Persons who have many competitors or Court cases should also wear this sacred bead.

Benefits of 10 Mukhi Rudraksha
·         This Rudraksha bead guards a person from Black magic, Evil Eye, Occult, etc.
·         10 Mukhi Rudraksha is also beneficial to remove Vastu defects of a place.

·       Ten Mukhi Rudraksha protects its user from the malefic effects of all the 9 planets and he is blessed with Success, Name, Fame, Wealth, Health and Prosperity.

·         Ten Faces Rudraksha should also be worn when there is a Mangal Dosh or Pitra Dosha in the Horoscope.
      This type of Rudraksha is also beneficial to win over the enemies especially if there are any court cases or legal actions.10 Mukhi Rudraksha also averts untimely death.

Dus Mukhi Rudraksha quiets the mind, relaxes the nerves, and relieves depression. It brings out the inner divine energies leading to self-healing. It has been observed that 10 Mukhi Rudraksha also improves social and business life. Signifying Dasavatar (Ten incarnations) of Lord Vishnu, Ten Mukhi Rudraksha is protector of mankind.

The Ten Faces (Dus Mukhi) Rudraksha is very effective and helps to overcome fears, anger and anxiety. It can assist an individual enjoy the benefits of life, achieve happiness and successes. Ten faces Rudraksha also protects you against evil influences around you and gives a secured life.
As per Ancient Vedic Scriptures, this type of Rudraksha is beneficial for treating diseases of Insomnia, Heart, Lungs, Hearing Diseases, etc. It increases connection with Lord Krishna and blesses with Joy, blissful and fruitful relationships. Ten Faces (Dus Mukhi) Rudraksha blesses the user with peace and protection in all aspects of life. If you wish to get Ten Faces (Dus Mukhi) Rudraksha bead from AstroDevam.com, Click on the following link: https://astrodevam.com/ten-das-10-mukhi-faced-rudraksha.html
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